How a Mentor Can Take Your Career to the Next Level


More than ever before, leaders operate in increasingly complex, intense and uncertain environments with a never-ending pressure to deliver results.

The culture of connectivity has sped up the pace of work and the number of attention grabbers multiplied, a trend predicted to further accelerate into the future.

This has become the new normal.

In this new normal, many leaders find themselves increasingly unfocused, overwhelmed, exhausted and unfulfilled despite giving everything to their work.

A new brand of leadership is needed to enable leaders and their organisations to consistently reach peak performance and truly thrive in a sustainable and fulfilling manner.

The foundation of this new brand of leadership is what we call well-in-you self-leadership.  This is a powerful journey of change where leaders take carefully crafted steps to create an optimal internal environment that springboards them to thrive in their external environment and deliver the results they aspire to.

Our Wellineux Executive/Leadership Mentoring programs are designed to do just that, support you to thrive in the new normal.

Since we’re all unique, your coaching program is designed for you and you alone. Your Executive/Leadership Mentor will help you to build a foundation of self-leadership and wellbeing that works for you and, in the process, create the results you aspire to.

Maybe thriving for you looks like;

  • responding with resilience to high pressure situations

  • navigating transitions and change with ease

  • targeting your growth for maximum results

  • taking deliberate and authentic action towards the results that matter most

  • succeeding in your most authentic and fulfilling manner

  • being clear of mind and focused

  • guiding a team to thrive

  • communicating clearly, confidently and courageously

  • creatively solving problems that leave a lasting legacy

  • being fueled by a strong sense of purpose

  • feeling a true sense of work life integration

  • having the energy to sustainably navigate your day

These results become achievable once you create the optimum internal environment for peak performance.

Our Executive/Leadership Mentors take a holistic approach drawing upon Wellineux's eight pillars of wellness to guide you to peak internal performance and create the external results you are seeking. Get to know the Wellineux Mentors & read about the full Wellineux Mentorship Program and what is on offer here.