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5 Signs You Might Need to Take a Break

It’s that time of year, as we kick into 5th gear, and head straight toward the holiday season – it can either be a thrill, or present us with an obvious sign that it’s time for a break, either mentally or physically. But what happens if you can’t hold out until year’s end? How can we easily treat our brain and body to the break it deserves, on a regular basis – without the need for an end of year holiday.

1. When you’re tired and can’t sleep

Waking up after a restless sleep can affect how the rest of our day plays out. After a long day, our thoughts can get the better of us, continuing right up until we lay our head on the pillow. It can be an anxiety-inducing time! When it comes to quelling these thoughts, sometimes it can be as simple as checking in on your routine and habits. Having mindful moments throughout the day, will help ease you into the latter half of the day. Give yourself a mental break by keepin’ that cup of joe to before midday, ensuring you exit the office with your to-do list planned for the next day, and spending time at home reading, meditating, or even better – both!

2. You’re sick more than you’d like to be

With the seasons changing, temperatures rising and dropping, and pollen high in the air – this time of year can get the better of our immune system. This all leads to getting sick at the most inconvenient of times – especially right before that deadline you just can’t push! We can’t always control our immune system, but there are steps to ensure we are getting the rest and replenishment we so deserve. Along with a solid sleep schedule, taking the time to ensure our body is getting the nutrients and hydration it needs, on a regular basis is so very important. Making an appointment with a nutritionist or naturopath could help set you up on a consistent path to health – rather than dropping into the doctor each time you fall ill.

3. You’re feelin’ the cabin fever

Sometimes, the workweek can feel like a constant loop between office and bed – leaving us feeling cabin feverish. This leaves us feeling like we have no real replete from our home and work life. Ensuring we are mindful about how we plan out our day is a great start – ensuring we get time outside of the places we spend the most time in. Getting out into nature is one way to escape – both literally and figuratively. If you can’t get out before or after work, take some time to discover what’s available around your office – and spend your lunch break amongst as much green as possible. Remember, even 30 minutes a day in this environment adds up to over 2.5 hours a week!

4. Your Social Life is Non-Existent

What social life? With everyone having such busy schedules, and differing commitments – finding time to socialise with our nearest and dearest can be a challenge hard to solve. With weekends spent with family, sometimes it’s easier to meet friends or colleagues after work. Take the time to finish on time, and head to these social commitments. Planning ahead, and creating an action plan for the days ahead can help overcome the feeling of tasks not being done – remember, the work will always be there tomorrow – so give yourself a break!

5. When you really just need to… take a lengthy break

We get it – your work calendar might not be able to take a break… but you can. Allowing ourselves to recognise the early signs of burnout, and taking an extended holiday can help us from actually burning out when we really can’t afford to. Check in with yourself – and then check your annual leave. A getaway might just be what the doctor ordered. We bet you’re already picturing yourself on the beach!