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How to Shake Up Your Goals & Intentions in 2019

Goals and intentions can sometimes seem forced upon us, or at times we may find ourselves setting them on the things we feel we must achieve – both personally and professionally, in order to be successful.  But how well are they truly serving you?

Taking a wellness approach to peak performance; entrepreneur, speaker, poet, painter, former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, Danielle LaPorte advises that there are three key elements to goals and intentions:

1. Think about how your current goals and intentions, both personally and professionally, make you feel

As Danielle points out “…when we use goal-chasing like a hammer, it can beat up on our self-esteem, relationships and creativity”.  So, if any of the goals and intentions you have control over make you feel like this, then it’s time to wipe them away and start again.

2. How do you most want to feel?

Use this question to check-in and update or re-affirm your goals and intentions.  As Danielle points out “The foundation of a good relationship with intentions and goals is keeping in mind that the primary aim of setting and working toward them is to feel the way you want to feel”. 

So, we need to retrain ourselves to seek and play out our intentions in ways that align with our core desired feelings – in Danielle’s words, it’s about “soul-affirming, not soul-sucking”.

For example, you may have the goal of launching X project by June.  By focusing the goal on how you want to feel, it then changes to something like making X project evoke laughter. There’s no dates, numbers or status.

3. Trust

When you remove the traditional elements of dates and numbers from your goals, then in order to achieve these, it comes down to trust.  Trust in yourself allows you to truly connect in and be guided by your heart’s satisfaction. 

Danielle’s approach to goals and intentions is no doubt unconventional.  However, with one in five Australians experiencing a mental health condition in a given year and almost one in two experiencing a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime, there’s never been a more important time than now to try new approaches in order to cultivate workplace wellness while supporting peak performance.  As Danielle says, “Constant racing for success creates habitual and unconscious goal-setting. We need to re-learn how to move toward our dreams — with the grace of trust, the grit of devotion, and the thrill of true presence.”.

If you or your workplace are ready to re-define your goals and intentions to achieve peak performance, please contact us.  In addition to our mentoring services and standard workshops and training, we also love working closely with our clients to create customised wellness initiatives.

To find out more about Danielle LaPorte and the incredible work she does, visit