Corporate Health, Workplace Wellness & Wellbeing | Wellineux

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Are you ready to change direction in 2021?

When I ask people “what are the benefits of physical fitness?” they talk about having a healthier body, feeling better and being able to keep up with the kids. They express a freedom to do what they want whether it be running, swimming or playing sport. Each of them accepts they can, if they choose, improve their physical fitness and as a result expand the experiences available to them.  

However, when I then ask “what are the benefits of psychological fitness?” most find it harder. There’s a lot less clarity on what it is, how they can improve it and why they should do so. 

It illustrates how little we understand our psychological fitness and what opportunity this presents. 

If physical fitness is to optimise the performance of our body, psychological fitness is to optimise the performance of our mind so we can both perform better and feel better. 

Our Psychological Fitness impacts on everything. What ideas come to us, how we operate in a meeting, how we adapt to changing circumstances, how we collaborate with others and on and on. 

Psychological Fitness has been described as the largest remaining competitive advantage in business and in life and improving it is available to each and every one of us and starts with upgrading our understanding. 

When we improve our Psychological Fitness we find ourselves in peak performance, or flow, more of the time. In this place we have access to effortless performance and an expanded array of capabilities and focus at our fingertips. 

McKinsey conducted a 10-year study on Senior Executives and found that they were 500% more effective when in this state of peak performance. Imagine, you could work Monday and take the rest of the week off and get the same amount done – who wouldn’t want that!

Experts on performance are becoming clear that our Psychological Fitness or state of mind is the precursor to all of our behaviour and results. Yet we’ve been spending so much time and money on trying to train individual skills and behaviour downstream from our state of mind it’s no wonder that we have been getting mixed outcomes.

Our Psychological Fitness is the global tool to accessing peak performance. It is the new paradigm for performance that opens the door to a new experience of 2021. 

If you’re curious and would like to find out more about our individual, team and organisation programs for Peak Performance, we’d love to hear from you.