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Clear intentions: the key to leaders staying motivated in 2022

At the start of each new year, we tend to have many things we would like to change and we can have really great intentions to put things in place to do this. Often, it isn’t until January comes and goes and we are back into our usual weekly routine, that getting through what needs to be done seems like more than enough to do. Our motivation can shift to overwhelm and we can quickly default to old habits to help us manage. 

A simple way to clarify where you would like your time and energy to go and how you want to feel, is to focus on what you would like to start, stop and keep doing. What you choose will most likely be habits that you have consciously or subconsciously set over time, or ones that you would like to incorporate into your days to help you align with your personal and professional values and priorities. 

When choosing three things to start, stop and keep doing, remember to be realistic and to focus on what you want to work towards and achieve for yourself. If you choose things because you feel you ‘should’ start or continue them, or to prove something to others then they will add pressure and they will not serve you long-term. 

The idea of stopping something may seem daunting but the idea of it not taking up your energy should be something that you look forward to, similarly with what you choose to start and keep doing. 

Now is your time to focus on you. Get a piece of paper and a pen and write down your intentions. 

This year, I intend to:

Stop doing… 

Examples: going to bed past 10pm, reaching for my phone first thing in the morning, putting off the hardest tasks until the end of the day when they can be done earlier.

Start doing… 

Examples: acknowledging what went well at the end of each day, stepping away from my desk for lunch, being present with my family/friends/self when I get home from work.

Keep doing… 

Examples: exercising three times per week, delegating where I can to reduce my workload and play to my team members’ strengths, one thing just for fun each week.

You can put a note in your calendar to check in with your intentions each Monday morning, or at the start of each month.

If writing your intentions for the whole year feels too much right now, you can choose one thing each month. This could be a good approach for your team to take as well and a simple way to check in with one another too. 

May your intentions help you to feel more like yourself and allow you to wake up each day looking forward to what is ahead.