Top Tips to Boost Your Immune System and stay Healthy

We have been staying informed of the developing situation around the Coronavirus and we wanted to look into how we can further support you. 


There is a lot of fear, stress and worry spreading around the world at present. The World Health Organization (WHO) has only recently declared Coronavirus a global pandemic and whilst there is such a lot of uncertainty at the moment; there are certainly ways we can protect ourselves from any virus and supporting ourselves by boosting our natural immunity system. 

It is important to note that no research has currently been conducted in regard to the novel coronavirus pandemic. However our first line of defence is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as these:

1. Reduce Stress Levels.

Creating your own calm in a time of panic and fear is a critical strategy. High stress hormones can impair immunity and make us susceptible to recurrent infections. One of the easiest and most powerful ways to reduce is to regularly practice deep diaphragmatic breathing. Breathing engages our relaxation response which turns off our reaction to stress.  Box breathing is a simple and effective technique;

To do box breathing, simply:

  1.  Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds

  2. Hold the breath for 4 seconds

  3. Exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds

  4. Extend the exhaled breath for 4 seconds

  5. Repeat this sequence 5 – 10 times and notice how much more calm and present you feel.

2. Get more sleep.

It is so important to get a good night’s sleep to protect immune system function. Sleep affects our physical and mental health enormously. Here’s why: Research has shown that sleep keeps your immune system humming along as it should, and while research has shown more sleep won’t necessarily prevent you from getting sick, skimping on the quality and quantity of hours needed may seriously affect your immune system leaving you more susceptible to illness. Most adults need between 7-9 hours each night.

3. Eat Nourishing Food 

Hippocrates famously said, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” By eating nourishing foods rich in all the essential nutrients including plenty of fresh colourful and unprocessed food. Ideally, we should be aiming to eat 5 serves of vegetables per day and around 2 serves of fruit. Combining this with lean protein, legumes, wholegrains, nuts and seeds makes an excellent choice.

4. Increase Your Stores of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that supports epithelial barrier function against harmful pathogens at a cellular level. This is a key nutrient to improve immunity. Many fruits and vegetables will not contain the required daily amounts. Impaired immunity and susceptibility to infections is a common symptom of Vitamin deficiency, so whatever you’re protecting your body from this season, consider taking up to 1000 mg a day during these next few months.

5. Increase your Zinc Intake

Our bodies require zinc but it cannot be synthesized within our body but aids the immune system in fighting off invasive bacteria and viruses. Zinc can come in tablet or supplement form, but there are great sources of the mineral available in our diets, such as sustainably-caught fish and legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and beans.

6. Move More 

Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day will offer you massive benefits for both your body and mind supporting you to be physically sharp and mentally strong. Daily physical activity can bolster many defences of the immune system. Exercise gets antibodies and white blood cells moving through the body faster, so they may detect illnesses sooner; plus, an increase in circulation may also trigger the release of hormones that “warn” immune cells of intruding pathogens. Keep your workouts moderate; Maximise your success by doing an activity that keeps you motivated, interested and that you enjoy. Consistency is the key. 

7. Drink More Water

Getting plenty of water is a no-brainer when it comes to health. Why? Because water makes your body stronger. It helps you build muscle by carrying more oxygen to your cells. It also helps flush toxins out of vital organs. Women should be aiming to drink over 2 litres and men over 2.5 litres each day to support thriving health.

8. Meditate to Avoid Stress and Anxiety

Meditation and mindfulness are wonderful tools for avoiding stress and anxiety, this is becoming widely accepted.  When we are stressed, our body loses its efficacy to fight off antigens like viral infections. No studies have been conducted to measure if this will have an effect on COVID-19, but the range of benefits coming from meditation makes it a practice worth adopting all the same.

We can’t always control our environment but building healthy habits around sleep, reducing stress, moving more, good nutrition and sufficient hydration are some of the most positive and proactive ways we can support ourselves through this challenging time. 

Stay safe and look after one another.