Easy Things to Do On a Sunday to Improve Your Week


Sometimes we like to joke about how awful Mondays are – but is Monday really as bad as we make it out to be? Monday morning seems to come around again at the speed of light and we’ve all started the week  by rushing out the door. After a Sunday full of late-night Netflix, and hitting snooze multiple times on Monday morning – it can be stressful! However, it doesn’t have to be.

Starting to make some positive habits on a Sunday can help us roll out of bed on a Monday morning, and start the working week with ease!

We’re ready to channel our best Monday-self, with these top 5 tips that’ll get you ahead of yourself, before you’ve even started!



As much as we want to rush out the door on a Friday to start our weekend, it’s beneficial to spend 5-10 minutes at week’s end consolidating our to-do list – creating a dot point plan for Monday morning. Even if it’s 5 key points to get you started. This way, we’ll know where to begin, and feel like you have prioritised accordingly. We love doing this on a Friday, so we can head into the weekend with ease, it’s also another good habit to get into at the end of each working day.



Putting aside 15 minutes of our Sunday to do the smallest tasks can set us up for a stress free week. Don’t want to spend all day tidying, and doing laundry? Do the simple things – spend some time decluttering, wiping surfaces, and organising your washing ready to go into the machine. Set a timer for 15 minutes, and challenge yourself to see how much you can get done. You might be surprised.



Not only is this one a time saver, but also a cost saver – win-win! We love taking prepared lunches to work, it’s nutritious, and saves us time when the week is in full swing. Our favourite way to prepare for the week is whilst we’re cooking dinner on a Sunday. Try adding on a couple of workday lunches that can either be taken fresh on Monday and Tuesday, or frozen for the remaining days.



Okay, so we all want Sunday to last forever – staying up watching Netflix is one way to do so, but our bodies consequently  feel the effects the next day! Getting a solid 7–8 hours sleep has so many benefits, and will set us up for a productive, and concentrated week ahead. If you’re a night owl, try an alternative to help you relax before bed, such as reading a book, or a craft – rather than sitting in front of a screen.



Don’t forget to set aside the time to relax, it is Sunday after all! Maybe you’ll find it easier to get ahead on Sunday morning, or even on Saturday – whichever way, find a routine that is easiest for you – but most importantly, don’t forget about self-care. Spend time with friends, go see a movie, spend time reading in the park. Whichever way – you’ve got this!