The number 1 science based reason to try the Loving Kindness Meditation

How can one train themselves to be more emotionally intelligent? In popular contemporary psychology the answer lies in Mindful Meditation.

We know that the brain can be shaped by our conscious thought and by our daily activities. Regularly practicing Mindful Meditation, and specifically the Loving Kindness Meditation, can activate and strengthen the areas of the brain that are responsible for emotional intelligence and empathy.

So, if you're ever feeling a touch frustrated with a person in your life, perhaps you're finding it quite hard to relate, this beautiful meditation can become your practice in expanding your ability to show compassion and empathy. By incorporating the Loving Kindness Meditation into your daily practice (or simply at times when you feel you need it) it will allow you to step into someone elses shoes, to see the situation from their perspective, and to therefore approach it with more clarity. A powerful relationship building practice, in work and in life.

Why not print this out to keep handy? Give it a go and see how you feel. 

Just Like Me

This person has a body and a mind, just like me.
This person has feelings, emotions, and thoughts, just like me.
This person has, at some point in his or her life, been sad, disappointed, angry, hurt, or confused, just like me.
This person has, in his or her life, experienced physical and emotional pain and suffering, just like me.
This person wishes to be free from pain and suffering, just like me.
This person wishes to be healthy and loved, and to have fulfilling relationships, just like me.
This person wishes to be happy, just like me.

Loving Kindness

Now, let’s allow some wishes to arise:
I wish for this person to have the strength, the resources, and the emotional and social support to navigate the difficulties in life.
I wish for this person to be free from pain and suffering.
I wish for this person to be happy.
Because this person is a fellow human being, just like me.
Now, I wish for everybody I know to be happy.

For more meditations, be sure to sign up to Wellineux's free Meditation Channel here.