Work from home, Move from home

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5 quick ways to get the blood pumping

As many of us hit 6 months of working from home, you may have found the adjustment period has worn off and life lived within the same four walls is a challenge. For many, the pressure to stay productive, coupled with the breakdown of normal routines has seen habits in exercise, diet, and sleep start to slip.

No longer are gym sessions, meal prepping, or office/home boundaries so concrete. We all know that exercise is vital to our wellbeing, so we’re sharing 5 quick ways you can get moving from home without equipment or scheduling time out of the house. Try these in between meetings, during a lunch break, or at regular intervals throughout the day. Not only will your body thank you, but you’ll get an extra hit of dopamine when you feel the victory of having not compromised your daily movement due to the confines of your space! 


The plank can be turned into countless variations for increased cardio, upper body, or abdominal activation. All you need is a small patch of floor! Start with these 3 exercises: 

  • Pushups - on the toes or lowered to the knees if needed. You can even do them standing with your hands on the wall for a more gentle version. 

  • Oblique climbers - start in plank position then draw your right knee under your chest toward the left elbow, then reset and repeat on the right. More speed = more cardio!

  • Plank hold - start at 30 secs, working up to 45, then a full minute. Can be held on the hands or elbows. 


A simple and fun way to get your blood pumping, dance is particularly effective in shifting any feelings of fatigue, ‘stuckness’, or frustration. Open Spotify or iTunes and dance to one full upbeat song! 

Jump Rope 

You don’t actually need the rope to get the instant cardio benefits. It can be done inside on the spot beside your desk to increase oxygen and blood flow for more energy and clear thinking. 


If someone can run a marathon on their 7-metre balcony, then you can take a walk around the house. Set a timer for 10-15 mins and walk briskly from room to room, up and down stairs, to the bottom of the drive, or round the garden. 

Chair Exercises (make sure your wheel locks are ON or use a non wheeled chair!)

Your chair is a hidden exercise machine.

  • Squats - stand with feet hip width apart, slowly sink the buttocks back until they tap your chair then drive through your heels to stand back up. 

  • Dips - place your hands on the edge of your seat, stepping the feet out in front with the knees bent at 90 degrees. Bend the elbows straight back lowering the body before driving back up to the start position through the arms. 

  • Crunch - sit in your chair and pull the knees into the chest, then extend the legs out at a 45 degree angle before drawing them back to chest, pulling in with the abdominals.

  • Swap your chair for a fit ball! The unbalanced surface will prevent slouching and recruit the abdominals to keep you upright!