Why You Shouldn't Always Wait Until You're Certain.

why you shouldn't wait until you're certain

How often do you look for certainty before you move on an idea? 

How often do you want to know you’re right before you have the confidence to take a step forward, no matter how small that step is? 

Yet what we miss by hanging out waiting for the certainty to appear or the right circumstances to materialise, is that certainty and bring right is a state of mind. 

Our state of mind in any moment impacts how we see the world and everything within it. In a low state of mind everything looks like a problem and nothing looks certain. And from this place we are unlikely to take action and likely to feel stuck, lost or the king or queen of procrastination. 

Yet when our state of mind rises, the world looks filled with opportunity and there’s less constraints on what needs to be right before we can take a step forward. It is in this state that we tend to find we; 

  • move before we feel 110% ready

  • become less fixed on how things need to look

  • are more comfortable taking a one step at a time approach

  • are open to changing course when it makes sense to do so

  • feel less concerned about what others think

  • become less disheartened when things don’t go as we anticipate

  • worry less about messing up

  • are curious in each and every moment

  • realise that momentum comes from movement

What if we had this potential available to us all the time but we were simply not seeing it in this moment? 

State of mind has the potential to change in every moment and with it how we see the world. When we hang out knowing that the potential to see things differently exists, we are less likely to take things at face value and to consider there might be more to see. 

From the stance of knowing this place of potential exists, start noticing it pop up. When things looked impossible but now seem possible? When everything looked stacked against you but opened up when a new approach came to you? When you were about to throw in the towel but somehow you found yourself taking a step forward? 

We’ve all experienced it and yet we often don’t realise that this potential exists as a creative force available to us in each and every moment. It is ours for the taking. 

From this place of knowing what might open up to you and become possible? It’s infinite.